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A Tour of Our Homeschool: History (& More) Shelves

A Tour of Our Homeschool History (& More) Shelves

(Last Updated on October 28, 2023)

The next stop on this Tour of Our Homeschool is the history shelf. 

Early in this shelf’s career here in my home, it had the misfortune of being partly empty. And, since no empty space remains empty for long around here, it’s now become the “History-and-Geography-and-Health-and-Art-and-Bible-and-Character-and-Whatever-Else-I-Can-Cram-In-There” shelf.

We’ve got a lot of ground to cover today so I’ll get right to it. If you missed the beginning posts in this series, click here to catch up.

Here’s what we’ve got…

… On Our History (& More) Shelves

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The history, Bible, health, art and other resources we’re not currently using reside here:

Homeschool curriculum shelf with history and miscellaneous subject shelf circled

Keep in mind this shelf doesn’t include the non-fiction history books, atlases, biographies, and other books stored elsewhere in our house. 

Side Note: It’s a constant battle for me to decide where to put some of these things. When life and learning overlap as much as they do in homeschool, it’s hard to decide. Should an atlas be stored with curricula? Or with reference materials like the dictionary? Or with other maps? Or with non-fiction books? I have no idea. As a person who loves organization, this bothers me to no end. But I’ve tried to let it go and just make sure everything has A place even if it’s not the PERFECT place.

Because most of our history resources are stored in our gray storage bin, I’ll cover the “& More” part of this curricula shelf first (skip down to the 2nd half of this post if you’re looking for history).

Bible, Character & Apologetics Resources

My two oldest kids have plenty of Bible study resources through church and AWANA, but it’s still nice to have some supplemental resources like these on hand. 

Homeschool Bible activity resources

We’ve especially liked the crafts and activities in the Bible Make & Do books and in the Mrs. Noah’s Rainy Day Book.

For our own Bible study at home, we’ve worked our way through Old Story New and Long Story Short by Marty Machowski.

Old Story New and Long Story Short Bible study books by Marty Machowski

We’ve also used beginner apologetics resources to start some good discussions with our kids. It’s so important for kids to learn that their questions – especially their difficult faith questions – are welcome and encouraged!

Bible and apologetics books including How the Bible Came to Us, Mommy Why?, and My 1st Book of Questions and Answers

We’ve enjoyed all of the books pictured: How the Bible Came to Us, Mommy Why?, My 1st Book of Questions and Answers, A is for Adam, and the Answers Book for Kids series.

Bible and Apologetics resources including A is for Adam and The Answers Book for Kids series

Other books, like Hero Tales, introduce kids to some of the key leaders, heroes, and martyrs of our faith and our country’s past.

Hero Tales books by Dave & Neta Jackson

I also have a couple of miscellaneous books that I skim through every once in a while. I haven’t used them cover-to-cover but they’ve been helpful brainstorming tools.

Lessons in Responsibility for Boys and A Day of Delight Christian books

Health & Sex Education

Some subjects in our homeschool have been best taught through ongoing conversations. Health and sex education are two of those subjects. But books like the following have helped start the discussions and keep the conversations going (pictured below are: Abeka Book Health Safety & Manners 3, Drugs and Our World (sorry, I can’t find a link for this one), Good Pictures, Bad Pictures and Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Jr., God Made All of Me, The Story of Me, and Before I Was Born.

Homeschool sex education and computer safety literature books

Art, Music & Gym

When it comes to art, we have an art closet that houses the majority of our supplies. My kids have also taken art classes through co-op, camps, and our park district. So we don’t have much space dedicated to art on our curriculum shelves even though it’s a big part of our homeschool.

We’ve used this Abeka Art Projects book for simple, colorful crafts for my younger kids. 

Abeka Art Projects 1 homeschool book

And we’ve been working our way through this I Can Do All Things curriculum over summers (when I have more time and patience for messy painting projects). It’s older, but has a lot of great lessons on art theory and fundamentals of drawing and painting. I like it because it’s very doable, even for those of us who aren’t super crafty, artistic mommas.

I Can Do All Things beginning drawing and painting curriculum book and papers for homeschool kids

These last two resources are just “extras” that needed a home. The blank music staff paper could really be kept on our piano with the rest of our music books. In fact, I think I’ll move it there now…

Homeschool PE lesson plan and blank music staff paper

The Brunswick Homeschool PE bowling lesson plan is something I got for free years ago. I keep telling myself we’ll do a bowling unit, yet here it sits.

History & Geography Books

So far we’ve used Story of the World (SotW) as our main history and geography curriculum. But we’ve used a lot of books, maps, timelines (more about timelines here) and supplemental resources, too. The Big Book of History is a super-long fold-out timeline that my kids love. The Flags Sticker Book (I can’t find the link to the one we’ve used, but this one seems similar) and the Daily Life at the Time of Jesus book have been great resources to have on hand as well.

Homeschool history resources including Flags Sticker book, AIG Big Book of History and a whiteboard map
Daily Life at the time of Jesus book by Miriam Vamosh

These books, like How to Draw Maps and Charts and Maps & Globes and others, have been really helpful to introduce my kids to map concepts. 

Homeschool books on maps, charts, globes and graphs

… In Our History (& More) Storage Bin

History & Geography Curricula

The SotW books we aren’t currently using get stored away in the bin. 

Story of the World curriculum books and audiobook for homeschool kids

I’ve also kept the Tapestry of Grace Primer we used when we first started homeschooling. 

Tapestry of Grace Primer homeschool history curriculum

History & Geography Games & Flashcards

Just like the other subjects we’ve already covered, I have some games, flashcards, and puzzles for history and geography. The difference is we haven’t really used these as much. There are so many supplemental activities in the SotW curriculum I haven’t really needed to spice things up. But now that my kids know more of the trivia included in the games, I do think we’ll start using them more often.

History and geography flashcards and puzzles
History and geography games including States & Capitals, Chronology Junior and the Presidents Game


It’s helped to have an assortment of maps on hand in addition to the ones we have on our walls. 

Homeschool geography maps
Large USA wall map poster puzzle

Miscellaneous History Resources

My parents gave me this set of historical documents which includes fancy copies of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Gettysburg Address, and more. I know we can find this information online but I’m glad we have these hardcopies to reference as my kids get older.

Liberty Collection USA documents including Constitution and Declaration of Independence

And these activity books are ones I got from the library a bunch of times before realizing I should just get copies of our own to have on hand. Both Tapestry of Grace and SotW reference books like these for several optional activities.

Old Testament Days and Classical Kids and Ancient Rome student activity books

Thanks for joining me for this Tour of our Homeschool series! I hope it’s given you some ideas. 

I know it’s helpful for me to review what I have on our shelves so I don’t forget what’s there. I always think I’ll remember to use a certain resource when we get to a certain topic… but I never do. It’s kind of like when I put taco meat in the freezer and think I’ll remember what it is in a month without labeling it. Not likely.

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A Tour of Our Homeschool: History (& More) Shelves

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