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DIY Invention Kit for Kids

DIY Invention Kit for Kids

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Kids are natural-born inventors. 

I’ve seen children invent games together using only their vivid imaginations. 

I’ve seen them occupy themselves for hours with a pile of rocks or a piece of ribbon.

As parents and caregivers, we can encourage our kids’ innate creativity even more by providing them the time and materials to pursue their many ideas. 

How to Homeschool Preschool – Part 2

How to Homeschool Preschool - Part 2

If you’re just tuning in to this How to Homeschool Preschool series, first check out Part 1 here

In Part 1, I shared how important playing is in your at-home preschool. In fact, some would say preschool should be all play since kids can learn so much so easily while they’re playing. 

But just because they’re playing and having a fun time learning doesn’t mean we allow them to act like crazy hooligans. A balanced homeschool needs to focus on character building, too. 

Super-Easy DIY Phonogram Game for Pre-Readers

Super-Easy DIY Phonogram Game for Pre-Readers

I’m not sure why this simple, homemade game has been such a hit with all of my kids. Maybe it’s the shaking. Maybe it’s the dumping. Whatever the reason, they’ve all loved it!

I wish I could recall where I heard about this game first. I’ve seen variations of it floating around, but I’m not sure who came up with the original idea for Phonogram Sound Shake. Whoever you are, thank you! 

A Tour of Our Homeschool: Art Closet

A Tour of Our Homeschool Art Closet

I’ve hesitated to write this post because our art closet is… well… ugly.

But, I’ve decided to give you this photo tour anyway. It’s a late addition to the Tour of Our Homeschool series.

Picture-perfect art rooms are often more discouraging for me than inspiring. I walk away feeling like I could never make it all so organized and matching and beautiful, and I give up before even trying.

So, because it’s not Pinterest-worthy, I’m hoping the pictures of our homely art closet will show you that working art into your homeschool is totally doable. You don’t need to wait until you’ve built a dedicated She-Shed or made adorable, color-coordinated mason jar labels to get started. 

Homeschooling’s Secret Weapon

Homeschooling's Secret Weapon

What is this secret weapon, you ask?

Here’s a hint…

All moms and dads have this parenting tool in their arsenal. But homeschooling offers the advantage of significantly more time and freedom to use it!

So, what is this thing that makes homeschooling so effective, even when it’s used by average Jane’s and Joe’s teaching their kids in their kitchen?

Drum roll, please…

Kids Are Always Learning (Even on Vacation)

Kids Are Always Learning Even on Vacation

”Do you ask a fish how it swims? Or a bird how it flies? No sirree, you don’t! They do it because they were born to do it!”

– Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Just like Willy Wonka was born to invent new candy bars, kids were born to learn!

This isn’t the first time I’ve written about why homeschooling works easily for kids of all ages. They’re even learning on sick days. And, on our recent trip to the lake, I was reminded (yet again) how kids are always learning – even on vacation!