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Homeschoolers are Backward

homeschoolers are backward unique red person going against flow of traffic

WARNING: Homeschooling may cause your schedule to look different than the rest of society. This can lead to serious side effects such as nasty glares from strangers, self-doubt, and upheaval of existing routines. 

When you have the freedom to tailor your routines to the unique needs of your unique family, your schedule begins to look… well… unique. 

In many ways, my family’s daily and weekly routines are backward from our non-homeschooling friends. And guess what?


Top 5 Must-Have Homeschool Supplies

top 5 must have homeschool supplies banner on paperclip background

Besides the basics (you know…. pencils, paper, chocolate, etc.), I’ve found there are a handful of relatively inexpensive items that have made our school days go much more smoothly. 

No, these supplies aren’t going to teach for you or do your laundry. But I do sometimes feel a little like super mom when my Meltdown Radar* goes off and I swoop down with a sheet of Hole Reinforcement Labels and save the day. 

Jumping Into the Deep End (but Not Really)

Jumping into the deep end diving board over blue pool

For some families, homeschooling has been the plan all along. 

They’ve seen it work for friends or family. They knew they’d homeschool their future kids before they were even married. They’re totally comfortable swimming against the societal current. They understand the benefits and they welcome the challenge.

If that’s you, feel free to skip this post.

If, on the other hand, you’re more like the main character from Peg + Cat


…then read on, my frenzied friend, read on!