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Merry Christmas & Top Posts of 2021

Merry Christmas and Top Posts of 2021 from Sensible Homeschool

May God give us all strength and peace as we keep our eyes and hearts focused on Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

“…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

2 Timothy 1:7

I pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

Top Posts of 2021

Think About Homeschooling
Think About Homeschooling
Sensible Homeschool Reviews All About Spelling Curriculum
All About Spelling Curriculum Review
Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding BFSU Review Part 1
Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (BFSU) Volume 1-3 Review, Part One
Super-Easy DIY Phonogram Game for Pre-Readers
Super-Easy DIY Phonogram Game for Pre-Readers

And Don’t Forget the Stocking Stuffers!

Your A-Z Guide: The Best Kids' Stocking Stuffer Ideas on green banner with stocking background
Your A-Z Guide: The Best Kids’ Stocking Stuffer Ideas

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Merry Christmas and Top Posts of 2021 from Sensible Homeschool