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Our Curriculum Choices – Year 2

sensible homeschool our curriculum choices year two on chalkboard background

Read the first post in this series here and check out Our Curriculum Choices – Year 1.

Year 2 Snapshot

Well, we made it through the first year and came back for more. Just when I was starting to figure a few things out, Year 2 brought new challenges. 

My oldest was now in first grade and our three year old wasn’t content to sit on the sidelines. Finding ways to engage them both was a trick. It’s not easy to find a balance where everyone is met at their own level and not frustrated (with work that’s too hard) or bored (by work that’s too easy).  

Our Curriculum Choices – Year 1

sensible homeschool our curriculum choices year one on chalkboard background

If you haven’t done so yet, read the first post in this series here.

Year 1 Snapshot

This was our first “official” year of homeschooling. My oldest son was starting Kindergarten and our younger son was a toddler. 

I was excited to finally be homeschooling after several years of reading about it and trying to plan ahead for the unknown. We’d already done preschool at home and, of course, he’d been learning at home since he was a baby, but I felt like this was the moment I’d been waiting for. 

Jumping Into the Deep End (but Not Really)

Jumping into the deep end diving board over blue pool

For some families, homeschooling has been the plan all along. 

They’ve seen it work for friends or family. They knew they’d homeschool their future kids before they were even married. They’re totally comfortable swimming against the societal current. They understand the benefits and they welcome the challenge.

If that’s you, feel free to skip this post.

If, on the other hand, you’re more like the main character from Peg + Cat


…then read on, my frenzied friend, read on!