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How to Unfairly Judge (and Annoy) a Homeschooler

How to unfairly judge and annoy a homeschooler title with judge's gavel

WARNING: Just so we’re all on the same page, the following post is facetious and dripping with sarcasm. Please read it with this in mind. 

If you’re looking to anger, alienate, or distance yourself from the homeschooling family down the street but just don’t know where to start, look no further! Here are 7 easy ways to judge them unfairly and really annoy them in the process!

Kids Are Always Learning (Even on a Sick Day)

Kids are Always Learning (Even on a Sick Day) title with sick boy reading in bed

I love autumn. The older I get, the more I prefer autumn to my previous favorite season, summer. Apple picking, cider donuts, colorful scenery, veggie garden harvests, and cozy sweaters on crisp fall days…. yes, there’s a lot to love about this season! 

Except, of course, the inevitable cold or flu that someone catches and brings home to share with the family. 

Should YOU Homeschool?

Should You Homeschool? title on background with fork in the road

Has the word “homeschool” caught your attention lately?

Are you curious about it? Feeling called to it? Wondering if it’s something you should explore more?

Do you feel a little crazy for even considering such a counter-cultural concept?

That’s exactly where I was not too long ago. 

Our Homeschool Summer Break – Year 4

Our Homeschool Summer Break Year 4 on grass background

If you’ve been following this series (if not, start here), you’ll probably have noticed a pattern by now. We seem to keep ping-ponging back and forth between work-focused summers and play-focused summers, always trying to find the sweet spot.

Year 3 was a summer of virtually no advanced planning and no academic work. So, you probably won’t be too surprised when I tell you that Year 4 was the complete opposite. 

(And, according to my oldest son who was just reading over my shoulder a minute ago, Year 4’s summer was “horrible!”  Can’t win ‘em all, I guess.)

Top 3 Types of Help for All Homeschoolers

Top 3 Types of Help for All Homeschoolers on swimming pool background with flotation ring

? “I get by with a little help from my friends” ?

– The Beatles

Sing it, Ringo! So true!

Homeschooling parents have a lot on our plates and, depending on the day or our stage of life, the help we need often takes different forms. 

But there are also kinds of support and encouragement that are universally helpful to all homeschoolers. The following three categories of help have been consistently valuable to me in all stages of our homeschooling so far.

6 Homeschool Sanity Tips for the New Year

6 homeschool sanity tips for the new year on wood background with snowflake decor

To the tune of Auld Lang Syne…

Christmas gifts strewn all around,
Party messes still piled high,
Decorations to repack…
I think I’m about to cry.

And add to this the pressure felt
To analyze your life, 
And come up with some lofty goals
That will solve all of your strife.

– words by Sensible Homeschool

That’s how the song goes, isn’t it?

Grrrific Homeschool Lessons I Learned from Daniel Tiger – Part One

Grrrific Homeschool Lessons I learned from... Daniel Tiger, Part One with cartoon lightbulb on blue fence background

Our God is so good. 

He knows what we need and he meets us where we’re at… even when “where you’re at” is buried under three loads of laundry, surrounded by a hopeless mess in every direction, with a crying toddler hanging on your leg, an oven timer beeping, and older kids who are fighting instead of finishing their math.  

It was in a moment like this a few days ago that He caught my attention through the (unbelievably incessant) singing of the PBS character, Daniel Tiger. 

“When something seems bad, turn it around and find something good.”